One of the best teas on the market!
The online store www.sirocco-shop.com offers exclusive organic Sirocco Bio Tea from Switzerland to customers all over the EU
A. Kuster Sirocco is a traditional family business. Alfons Kuster founded his coffee roasting plant at the upper end of Lake Zurich in 1908. Even back then, the attention to detail was enormous, just the way it is today. People from Sirocco still manage to find the very best producers for you: people who put body and soul into making the very best products possible, and who accept no compromise when it comes to the quality of their raw materials.
Of course, much has changed since then, but it remains vitally important to Sirocco that the spirit of this venerable tradition lives on alongside modern and sustainable methods of cultivation and processing. Because precisely for this reason, one tea is different from another and tea is not simply tea. And precisely the reason why the of Sirocco palate knows the difference. And, with every drop, savors this reminder of tradition.
Hand-packed sachets
The practical tea sachets are made of a biodegradable material based on cornstarch (i.e. no nylon) and then hand-filled and finished.
The thread needed for the seam is made of natural cotton. As to be expected with a handmade product, the sizes of individual sachets may differ slightly. But for precisely this reason, each one is a tiny work of art in its own right.

Teas and herbs from all over the world
Sirocco imports not only top-quality leaves from the world's best-known tea gardens but have also spared no effort in sourcing herb and fruit tea blends, of which company buys only the very finest organically grown raw materials.
For example, only verbena tea from the plant's original homeland in Paraguay met Sirocco standards. Thus, Moroccan mint tea is grown by the company on its own plantation in Marrakesh in accordance with strict international ecological guidelines. Fortunately, you didn't have to travel that far for the Swiss Piz Palü herbal tea, the ingredients of which come from the Poschiavo Valley in the Canton of Graubünden.
Sirocco tea: guaranteed 100% organic
Exceptionally high quality demands go way beyond company uncompromising attitude to the purchase of raw materials.
Apart from the regular quality checks conducted by our local authorities, Sirocco voluntarily ensures that all products meet various other quality standards.
